Be inspired by Charlotte Graetz
Charlotte was one our first Pilates participants when we set up classes in Swanmore in 2012 and has practiced with Pilates with us ever since. She clearly loves Pilates and we were over the moon when she took our advice to train as an Instructor and even more so when we found a slot for her to start teaching for Inspire Me Fit!
"I have dabbled in fitness since meeting my now husband who has spent most of his life participating in sport. I however have not, and have found it very difficult to make it part of my weekly life. However I knew I wanted my children to have a positive role model, and be active on a regular basis. I am fairly sporadic in my cardiovascular work ranging from doing very little, to training for olympic distance triathlons.
I met Debbie about 8 years ago when I was 39, and went along to a Pilates session, which I absolutely loved. I remember quite early on in our lessons, Debs trialled a Body Reset programme which has now become part of her Inspire me fit range of activities. It has been these two activities which have had the biggest effect on my life. Firstly, the Body Reset. I didn’t think that my diet was that bad. I had been vegetarian since I was 14, and although ate a small amount of fish I though it was fairly healthy. But I was really surprised by the effects of removing all the processed foods from my diet had on me. Initially I felt tired and had a headache, but after 4 days I felt better and had more energy than I can ever remember having. I now try to do this programme two or three times a year, but it has changed my eating habits forever. But for me I went from a dress size 14 to a 10. Now I happily sit at a 12 and know the small changes I can make if I feel the need. The biggest change is Pilates. This had had such a positive effect on my life. I am hyper-mobile and often suffer with achy joints. As a nurse spending a lot of time on my feet, this exercise allowed me to find an improved posture, and strength in my core and back which has helped me enormously. I love the concentration you need to apply the exercise correctly leaving you at one with your mind and body, allowing me to find time to concentrate on me. It also gives me a strong base line for when I am able to do more cardio work. More than that it has now given me a new career. On having a bit of a hard time in the NHS, I said to Debbie I didn’t know what else I could do other than being a nurse. She suggested I train as an instructor, which I have done so and am now teaching for about 6 hours a week (and growing) and loving every minute. Soon I start my journey as an instructor with Inspire Me Fit and I am excited to meet new people to teach this fab exercise to. Thanks Debs for the inspiration, but more importantly your friendship and belief in me as a person." |
" Pilates and the Body Reset Detox have had the biggest effect on my life. Soon I start my journey as an instructor with Inspire Me Fit and I am excited to meet new people to teach this fab exercise to"