Live Online Fitness FAQ'sLive Online Classes via Zoom during Covid19
Frequently Asked Questions Who are live online classes suitable for? Live online classes are suitable for Inspire Me Fit regular participants. During this period of social distancing we have expanded the timetable to match what we think you need adding variety and flexibility. There is something for everyone. No need to stick to your regular sessions at regular times, sign up for what you want when you can make it. Who are live online classes not suitable for? While we would love to help new participants access fitness, for your safety there are some restrictions in joining us now. If you have trained with Inspire Me Fit in the last year please complete a new pre exercise questionnaire and we should be able to help you. Anyone else please email Debbie to discuss your requirements before signing up with us. I take part in fitness classes with Inspire Me Fit, can I sign up for online Pilates too? Please drop an email through to Debbie who will be able to advise which sessions would be best for you. My regular Pilates session doesn’t seem to be available, what shall I do? In order to add more variety to the timetable we have cut back on some Pilates classes where we know there is a similar class available for you. Pilates classes are being simplified with focus on encouraging you to perform the beginner / intermediate exercises well. Other than new beginners or those with medical conditions most classes will be suitable for most of our participants. If you are not sure please email Debbie. I can’t make many of the classes live but can I access recordings? We know many of you are still working or home schooling children and can’t always attend the live session. We have set up a Motivate Me Facebook Group for our Motivate Me pass holders and will share a selection of recordings from the live classes for you to access at your convenience. We also have a subscription membership page on our website with short online workouts which can be accessed at any time. How much does it cost? We have put together 2 competitively priced packages to allow flexibility for our regular participants:
Pay as you go options are available too, £5 for HIIT / LIIT / Mindful Moves; £7 for Pilates. If you have been adversely affected financially by the current situation we would like to help so get in touch as we have a number of heavily discounted Motivate Me Passes for those who most need support at this time. How do I book into classes? Classes are shown on a schedule on our Website. Click on ‘Schedule’ to view the timetable. Click on the class of your choice and enter your details. Bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance and close 2 hours before the class starts. You will receive a booking confirmation and also notification 20 minutes before the class starts. The notification includes your Zoom Link to enable you to access the class so it is vital you are receiving emails from [email protected] and [email protected] or you may miss the link. What if I can’t make it? Your booking confirmation contains a link to cancel your booking. For pay as you go or Motivate Me 10 bookings we operate a 12 hour cancellation policy. We have two participants in our household do we need to buy two passes? If you both intend to make good use of your memberships and train with us regularly then yes please. We have no government support at this time and are trying to support our instructors too. However should your circumstances be different or if you are adversely affected financially please get in touch and we can come to some arrangement. How can I make sure I workout safely at home?
What equipment do I need? The majority of the workouts are equipment free. Pilates classes require a mat and if you use it a block or cushion. How will I access the live session? Live sessions are delivered through Zoom. As long as you are booked into the session you will receive a link in advance. Make sure you have taken part in a zoom test and then click on the session link at least 10 minutes before the class is due to start. You do NOT need your own zoom account. If you are not able to join the live class unfortunately we cannot hold up the session to sort out any problems. We are very happy to run test sessions with you so please contact Debbie to arrange this or try this test offered by Zoom. Important Information for participating in Live Online classes Please help us communicate with you We have got to grips with the new technology but our biggest problem as ever is making sure you receive our messages and updates. Many are still going into junk folders. This is a fluid time where we are still changing the timetable as we assess where the demand is and also may have to change sessions at short notice. We hate to get emails from people who thought there was a class and missed the update so wondered where we were. We operate two email systems:- 1. Punchpass for class specific updates including booking confirmation, zoom link, last minute cancellations or change of time. Please, please, please ensure that you can receive emails from [email protected] and [email protected] into your inbox. 2. Mailchimp Database for Inspire Me Fit News and Updates At the moment our weekly newsletter provides information on new timetables and general updates on how we are managing during the Covid19 crisis. To check you are on the mailing list and to change your settings follow this link By turning up to a live class you are accepting the following Disclaimer Please take note of the following precautions before taking part in a face to face or live online class or video workout. IF you have ticked any risk factors on the Pre Exercise Questionnaire you will need to get approval from a GP or medical professional prior to participation in the exercise activity and follow any specific guidelines/ recommendations provided by them. With online classes ensure the workout area has sufficient space to move freely without obstacles or obstructions with appropriate levels of heating and lighting according to the activity. Stay hydrated. If at any point during the class you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have any physical discomfort you should stop immediately and seek medical advice. Please use good judgment and common sense when taking the class. Adaptations will be provided for different ability levels to enable you to work within your own capability. Consider your level and ability and choose the appropriate level of the exercise and rest when you need to. By participating in the classes you are doing so at your own risk. Inspire Me Fit Ltd will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of your participation. We are looking forward to seeing you in class but if you have any questions in the meantime please email, or call Debbie on 07946 301474. Debbie |
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