Be inspired by Sarah Chase
Sarah is one of our busy mums who tries to fit her fitness around her family. She is a fantastic role model for her children and we love seeing her cycling to school with them! As she has increased her commitment to classes the benefits have become really evident in improved body tone and core strength.
I have always enjoyed keeping fit and in particular I preferred exercising outside, but I had become bored with running on my own.
I started Debbie's Saturday morning outdoor workouts and found the HIIT style exercise had a far greater positive effect on my fitness and muscle tone. I then started the pilates sessions and since then have had no back problems (something I had suffered from after having my second child). I had done pilates before but it didn't have the same impact, with Debbie's instruction I soon learnt to focus on particular muscles, I felt myself getting stronger and I am now more confident in my ability to perform some of the harder exercises for longer. I love the variety and I love that I can bring my girls to the outside workout with me. The Saturday morning sessions set me up for the weekend and it's great that Debbie also runs extra sessions in the holidays so I can keep my fitness levels up.
I would recommend all Inspire Me Fit classes to anybody of any fitness level or ability; Debbie, Vanessa and Charlotte are so welcoming and supportive |
I had done Pilates before but it didn't have the same impact