Be inspired by Sarah Young
Sarah is a fan of our HIIT classes and also joined our team of ladies who took part in the Macmillan Cycletta event in 2015.
A friend introduced me to inspire me fit in Feb 2015, I have always been active and enjoyed my sports but after having 2 babies in very close succession and working I had totally lost my way! For me it was about getting my fitness back rather than losing weight although I wasn't sad to see the back of my mummy tummy!
I attended Debbie's HIIT class and immediately felt relaxed and welcome, I particularly liked how we were reminded to focus on certain body parts throughout and the high and low options - especially when you're a newbie! I have now attended Vanessa's class for some time due to other commitments and I'm equally happy, we always have such an amazing workout and I've always been supported through any injuries as there is always something you can do! I feel I've got my old self back and more. So much so I am now in training for my first triathlon and retraining as a sports therapist in September. Not only have I got my love for fitness back, my overall wellbeing (aka PMT!) has improved dramatically.
Thank you ladies! |
"A photo of me with another class member and friend after completing my first MacMillan Cycletta Cycle Event as part of the Inspire Me Fit team".